Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Genetic Gene Counseling

Guess where I got to go yesterday? Answer: to the oncology center again!!! Yep, everyday (almost) it seems I get to go to a doctor's office, hospital, or chemo center for one reason or another! One day you are COMPLETELY fine, and the next thing you know, people are cutting on you and you are showing your boobies to just about everyone!

Yesterday, I talked to a Genetic Gene Counselor. She is gathering all the data regarding my family history and putting it in a data base, which will tell her approximately what my chances are that I am predisposed to getting cancer again. She said right now it looked like about 10% chance. The 2 reasons I wanted to know was for Alison's sake, and do I have a chance of getting this cancer again (because you basically cannot do the same chemo again). As for Alison, she says she should go every year from age 30 for a mammogram and ultra sound just to play it safe. Since I will be monitored closely in the future, I may take my chances, or I might wait for this chemo stuff to get over and then get the testing if insurance pays for it. It is $3100 to have it done and there is only one lab in the country that does this testing.

Thanks to everyone who has called me, sent cards, sent goodies, etc. I just have the most amazing group of friends that anyone could possibly have. I love you all!!

Love, Deb

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