Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chemo School

Today, Kent and I went to patient education to learn about what to expect from chemo. All the nurses were just super friendly. I am on the A Team! They divide all 8 doctors and all the nurses up into 2 teams (A and B). They try to make it a happy place. They have a big beverage center, where you can get soft drinks, tea, coffee, juice. They even have blankets in warmers for you since they keep it pretty cold in the fusion room.

Sounds like there is going to be some rough roads ahead, but the nurse I saw today told me they really work with you and monitor you all the time. I have to go back the day after each chemo and get Neulasta put in. That is supposed to help build the blood so you don't get run down (the most vulnerable time is 7-14 days after the chemo treatment). This lets you go back to your next treatment hopefully with plenty of red and white blood cells.

Yesterday, I got a surprise in the mail. Teri Nelson sent me a whole bunch of head covers. They are so cute. She did good pickin' them out! I loved everyone of them. I even modeled some of them for Kent. Thanks, Teri!! I know that I will be wearing these alot!!

Aaron and Audra were here over the weekend. Audra brought me some comfy clothes to wear during chemo and a book. Her mother sent flowers. I am getting spoiled (but I like being spoiled)! We did have a great time with them. Of course we had to go to Harry's and Trader Joe's. We had beef bourgandy for dinner (which was from a cookbook Lucia gave me). It was delicious! Thank you, Lucia!!

Well, all for now. Thursday, I go for genetic gene counseling to see about getting tested for that. I will let you know how that goes. Love you all, Deb


Anonymous said...

send me some pictures of you in your headcovers and I will get them posted on the blog. Audra and I had a great time this weekend.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up talking about "chemo school!" You never lose your sense of humor:) I wish I could have gone with you. While I'm certainly not looking forward to you having to go through it, I know if anyone will make the best of it you will. I am looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Love you, dp