Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Susan G. Komen Ribbon

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Good Report

Just wanted to report I had a doctor appointment on Friday to check my white blood cell counts, etc., and everything was really good. Actually better than they were the last time! So that is really good. I feel strong and am trying my best to eat right, take my vitamins, and get rest. There is something psychological about not having chemo anymore that is giving me new vitality!!

I had lunch this week with two different women who have also gone thru chemo. We are all doing a little different in our walk, but it is amazing how cancer can create a sisterhood between women. Both women that I met have great attitudes and are really amazing. I am so blessed to have met them.

I have been doing some gardening, so our yard is starting to look like someone actually lives here! I am working on a perennial border. I am doing it in shades of white, pink, purples. It is just so much fun. I also have several pots of herbs that I really enjoy and have already been able to use them in cooking. I also planted an heirloom tomato called "Pineapple". I have no idea what it will be like so it will be fun to watch it grow. Everyday I look at the little blossoms that someday will be tomatoes!

We went to a neighborhood block party on Saturday. It was really a nice party. They had huge grills and did fajita meat, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, sausages, and someone made homemade tamales. It was fun (and interesting) to meet people from all over are neighborhood. Everyone brought a covered dish, the kids had a bouncy thing, the fire department was there and climbed up a ladder about 5 stories high, and took a picture of all of us below. A band played and they gave away door prizes. Next time you see Kent ask him what he won!!

Well, gotta leave for church. Have a great and blessed week.

Love, Deb

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